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Italian Introduzione documentario sulla pesca alla lampara in Istria
La pesca con la lampara si basa sull’impiego di una fonte luminosa per attirare e catturare con le reti interi banchi di pesci. Nella sua quotidiana e faticosa ripetizione di gesti, azioni e mansioni, richiede un’attenta organizzazione e coordinazione tra i membri dell’equipaggio. Sia in fase di cattura che di selezione della taglia e conservazione del pesce. Una serie di processi che segue una sua precisa ritualità.
Nightlight esplora il lavoro di un giorno su di una barca per la pesca con la lampara nel mare dell’Istria.

Completed translations
English Introduction [to a] documentary about fishing with ‘lampara’ in Istria
Source language
English The Biography of Kip McKean - Part 2 A
Early Life And Family

Both of Kip’s parents – Tom & Kim – celebrate their 80th Birthdays in the summer of 2008!
“Kip” McKean was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 31, 1954. Like many young men of the 1960’s, he was inspired by those who refused to compromise and were willing to sacrifice everything for a worthy cause. This temperament is also deep in the McKean family heritage, as they are called higher by the courage of one of their ancestors, Thomas McKean. As with all of “the Signers,” death threats were common. Interestingly, Thomas McKean not only signed the Declaration of Independence for Delaware, but also was “the President” of the Congress of Confederation – the highest office in the new United States of America – when news arrived from General Washington that the British had surrendered.

Kip’s father, serving as an admiral in the U.S. Navy, became a strong influence and an early role model for leadership and excellence. His mother, an artist, nurtured in him warmth in relationships and a character of resilience. Between the ages of seven and 16, every summer Kip alongside his beloved younger brother Randy and dear younger sister Dana spent one month with each set of grandparents – “Grampy and Grammy” and “Grandpa and Grandma.” Those days with his grandparents in Michigan and Indiana respectively heightened his sense of adventure and deepened his love and appreciation of family.

During his high school years – in Virginia Beach, Virginia; Winter Park, Florida; and Libertyville, Illinois – Kip was active in athletics, was selected to be a member of the National Honor Society, and also obtained the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scouts. During these formative years, Kip’s heroes became John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In time, Kip’s greatest hero became Jesus.


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Spanish Biografía de Kip McKean – Parte 2A …
Source language
French Dépouillée de tout ce qui faisait ma joie, la vie...
Dépouillée de tout ce qui faisait ma joie, la vie n’est que lassitude et douleur. Ainsi donc, j’ai essayé de retenir ce qui n’existe plus ; d’inventer le rêve d’une vie perdue. Et j’ai réussi trop de fois… ; et je me damnerai, peut-être, pour cela. Je serais bientôt mis en Jugement ; c'est-à-dire : compté, pesé, divisé (MENE, TEKEL, PERES, tu le sais…) ; prêt pour aller « mit dem Engel reden »…
Ce texte est pour une lettre à une amie de la Silésie polonaise qui comprend bien peu de français.
Je voudrais un style littéraire, mais gardant à la fois le sens exact.


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Polish Obrany z wszystkiego co było moim szczęściem, życie...
English Stripped of everything that made my happiness, my life...
Source language
German [...] Wenn er jene Freude in mir fände...
Wenn er jene Freude in mir fände,
die in seinem Geiste ewig wird, -
Und er hübe sie in seine Hände,
Und ich müsste sagen: Freude irrt.
Reiner Maria Rilke (1914)
Unnamed and uncollected poem; 3rd. stanza.

Completed translations
Catalan ... Quan ell trobés aquella joia en mi ...
Source language
Spanish Yo conozco Oslo. He tocado allí a menudo......
Yo conozco Oslo. He tocado allí a menudo... ¡Bonita ciudad y bonito país! Me iría a vivir a él ahora mismo..., cuanto más al norte, mejor.

-"tocado" ha de entenderse aquí en el sentido de tocar un instrumento musical en concierto (el que escribe es un violoncelista).

La variedad de Noruego que requiero es la más difundida (Bokmål).

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Norwegian Jeg kjenner Oslo. Jeg har ofte spillet der.....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese brazilian Passo a passo se vai longe.
Passo a passo se vai longe.
Francês da França.

Completed translations
French Pas à pas, on va loin.
Source language
French Bon appétit mon bébé espagnol...Je ...
Bon appétit mon bébé espagnol...Je t'aime à mort...Tu es ma vie mon bébé d'amour.
Texte amour , merci !

*<edit> bonne appétit" avec "bon appétit" et "bébé"espagnole" avec "bébé espagnol", car "appétit" et "bébé" sont des noms masculins;</edit>

Completed translations
Spanish Buen provecho, mi niñita española… ...
Source language
English The Biography of Kip McKean - Part 1 C ...
Concerning “the evangelization of the nations in this generation,” some have asked, “What is going to be different this ‘second time’ around?” This presupposes the question, “Can it be different this second time?” The answer in the Scriptures is a resounding yes! The first time the Israelites approached the Promised Land, their lack of faith led them to the dreadful desire to choose another leader and to return to their lives of slavery in Egypt. This unbelief resulted only in their death in the desert. The second time the Spirit led them to the border of the Promised Land, the Israelites – having learned to rely on God in their wanderings in the desert – now succeeded to make God’s dream and promise a reality. This same learning from the past prayerfully will be true for God’s new SoldOut Movement. As Kip preached at the 2010 Jubilee on the theme of The Promised Land On The Second Try, “Second is best because God rewards the quest.”


Cualquier duda, cuenta me.

cruxbox hotmail

Completed translations
Spanish Biografía de Kip McKean – Parte 1C …
Source language
English The Biography of Kip McKean - Part 1 B Of note...
The Biography of Kip McKean - Part 1 B

Of note in 1979, Kip and Elena were invited to lead the Lexington Church of Christ (later renamed the Boston Church of Christ). From these “30 would-be-disciples,” the Spirit ignited a movement of churches known as the Boston Movement and in 1994 renamed the International Churches of Christ. From a historical perspective, no other preacher in the past century has been directly responsible for the planting of so many congregations around the world. Kip’s tenacious embrace of Jesus’ radical dream “to evangelize the nations in a generation,” his bold theological reforms, his personal warmth coupled with his charismatic and uncompromising Bible preaching, allowed the Spirit to take the gospel from one small dying church in Boston to become almost 400 churches in 171 of the 196 nations of the world by the year 2000! Then as this noble effort was being tragically decimated in 2002 and 2003, God sent Kip on a rocky path of suffering and redemption. For almost two years, he wandered in a lonely, spiritual wilderness, which greatly humbled him. Yet, those dark days ultimately strengthened Kip’s resolve to fulfill the dream. Therefore in late 2011, it is so amazing that in a little more than five years, God’s new SoldOut Movement - has 39 congregations in 20 nations… and counting!


Cualquier duda, mandarame una mensaje.

cruxbox @ hotmail

Completed translations
Spanish Biografía de Kip McKean - Parte 1 B
Source language
German ... Meinen Mund will ich zu ihm erheben...
Meinen Mund will ich zu ihm erheben,
hart wie einer, welcher nicht begehrt.
Wenn der Engel spräche: Ahnst du Leben?
Und ich müsste sagen: Leben zehrt.
Reiner Maria Rilke (1914)
Unnamed and uncollected poem; 2nd. stanza.

Completed translations
Catalan ... La meva boca alçaré en vers ell...
Source language
French Tu deviens responsable pour toujours...
"Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé. Tu es responsable de ta rose..."
[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. "Le Petit Prince"; Chap. XXI]

Completed translations
German Du wirst für immer dafür verantwortlich sein...
Source language
Portuguese Amo minha família para sempre.
Amo minha família para sempre.
estados unidos

Completed translations
English I love my family forever.
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